Live Mirth, 2007 (Seven blogs on seven continents)
Well, I have to admit that this concert has me a lot more jazzed about saving the planet than I would have believed possible. I’ve even learned a few things as the day has progressed.
That’s right; I’ve learned for instance that the only thing shakier than Sharkira’s booty is her vocals. I was a bit dismayed to learn how just how badly swelled John Legend’s head has become with a small taste of success when he tried to steal Corrine Bailey Rae’s thunder and only succeeded in crapping up what could have been a nice duet.
Thanks to all of the signs in the audience I learned that the Amazon needs saving. Before today I never even knew she was in danger.
T K Tungsten taught me how shallow and vacuous many of today’s performers truly are when the only eco-tip she could think of to offer her fans was, “to eat more soil or something.” Duh...
In all seriousness though, there are some important bits of information I’ve come away with today. There are indeed significant changes I can make in my life to help ease my carbon footprint upon the eco-sands of the planet. As of today I am pledging to implement the following changes into the production of my blog.
My Pledge
1. From this day forward this blog is completely vegan. That’s right! The only animals used in the production of this website will be the cat I use to mix up the natural pigments to produce the colors of my background graphics.
2. No petroleum products or fossil fuels of any kind will be used in the production of my blog. From now on it is all solar and the illumination you'll see here will be all generated by L.E.D. and florescent light bulbs.
3. All of my posts will now be entirely written using recycled megabytes and all natural corn based compositions easily broken down by the environment.
4. Last but not least. I am asking that each one of you join me in my eco-friendly venture and to please compost these pages when you are finished reading them.
If we all come together we can make a difference. Thanks to Al Gore, an incontinent truth has been brought to the awareness of all the people in the world, (with the possible exception of Reverend Al Sharpton), and we must respond to this global threat before our children inherit only a sandbox planet incapable of sustaining a civilized industrial society. Its not too late people if we all act now.
Live Mirth update: Worst eco-tip of the day goes to Ben Affleck who encouraged us to purchase our songs online instead of buying C.D.s that use a lot of petroleum being trucked back and forth across the country. Think about it...
Live Mirth update: It has been sad to see so much good music being played upon so many venues around the globe and every time we get to the American stage it has been rapper after rapper after rapper. Everybody say, "Lame..."
Live Mirth update: Is it really music when all you have on stage is a sound box? One of my friends just asked me if Germans really like rap music after a performance by Snoop Dog. I said," sure they do, it reminds them of old Hitler speeches."
Live Mirth update: Has anyone else noticed the use of recycled music? This is not a one hundred percent live concert event after all. We've been watching since the show started this morning and they are playing clips we've already seen.
Live Mirth update: The tires on the stages are recycled and painted. Where are they going after the stages are torn down? I'm hoping they will be up for sale on Ebay so I can hang one in the living room as a memorial to this historic event.
Live Mirth update: How many of the kids in the audience do you really think are going to participate in the Green Movement after the concert is over? Will it be as many who went to the polls after attending similar concerts during the days leading up to the election?
Live Mirth update: God bless Melissa Etheridge who just laid truth to the bone and gave one of the most inspired performances I've ever witnessed in my entire life. After a seemingly endless parade of daisy-duke-short wearing wiggly jiggly bimbos singing their same old tired songs of sexual promiscuity someone finally came through and sent the message out loud and clear.
Like Melissa encouraged each one of us to do.
Are you awake now?
Then get your heads out of your asses and do something!
God bless Melissa Etheridge for speaking the truth when all the young performers have done all day long is shake their booty and party like it don't really matter.
It is because I believe in the power of one voice and I do believe in making a difference. For the love of God, our very democracy is in danger and the forces of evil are catapulting us into the abyss of doom for a lousy handful of silver and gold coins.
If we simply sit by and do nothing, for whatever lame excuses we offer in defense of our complacency, then we are just as guilty of their crimes against humanity as if we were committing them ourselves.
Thank you Melissa Etheridge for speaking out the truth. Thank you for giving this concert its one shining moment.
By the way Mr. Sharpton, did you hear what a real spirit filled speaker sounds like? Compared to the message Melissa delivered you are nothing more than a jangling bell; loud as hell but lacking any clear or valid message.