Lost in a supermarket...

Today Felicia and I celebrated our four year wedding anniversary. Micah and I have been playing some bizarre game of viral tennis with this bug we just can’t seem to shake. Every time I think we’re done with the damn thing it just rears its ugly head and we’re right back in midst of runny noses and lungs of fire. We were so excited about going to the new IKEA that just opened up in our neck of the woods. It was supposed to be a grand day of shopping and of Swedish meatballs. Yes I know, you know you’re getting old when you and your posse’s motto is, “Sto’s befo ho’s.”, but shopping and eating is what we do. It’s how we roll...
So we gathered up car seats, diaper bags and our good boy and off we headed to IKEA, the
We were going to have such a fine anniversary dinner at Johnny Carino’s. We were going to dine upon the choicest of Italian delicacies and celebrate yet once again the mysteries of the universe that brought us together four years ago and have kept us together until this very day. Instead we wound up driving straight back home where Felicia fixed her two sick men turkey sandwiches and vegetable soup. We tried to take a nap afterwards but Micah was not in the mood for sleeping.
Well, there was simply nothing else to do but rally ourselves as best we could and make our way to our favorite Target department store and spent some of the unexpected windfall of cash we’d been blessed with by Felicia’s father. I bought a Sony surround sound system for the game room and Felicia bought Easter baskets for her boys, acute yellow duck for Micah and the coolest Green snake one for me.
Afterwards we went to a favorite steak house of ours and had a pretty good dinner. I enjoyed a petite steak with a lobster tail, Felicia had a Portabella and steak thing and we shared an appetizer of firecracker wraps. Micah enjoyed sampling a little bit of everything.
Once we arrived back home I headed upstairs to assemble my new toy, Micah curled up with his favorite fuzzy-grey-bear and went to sleep while Felicia stretched out on the sofa and got some well deserved rest. It wasn’t long before I was watching March Madness with my eyes closed and enjoying the sweetest basketball surround sounds I’ve ever heard. Man, I sure do love the good folks at Sony...
Did I mention that Felicia and I both nailed the gift thing? It was the cherry on top of a perfect day.
Perfect day you ask? Yes, in spite of everything we had planned going awry and our trip to IKEA being ruined by the viral bug of doom. It was perfect because it was a celebration of what marriage is all about, better or worse, through sickness and health until death do us part. In the end it was simply doing what it is we do together on a daily basis that made this day as special as every day we share. It was perfect because at day's end we were all together in our little home with the animals curled up at feet enjoying the warmth and joy that only comes from spending time in the company of the loved ones who give such special meaning to the word, family.
It was a wonderful anniversary...
Thanks honey, and you too, Micah.