So live and let die...
I was in the midst of doing dishes when I looked through the kitchen window above the sink and saw a sight that sent me running for the digital camera. The fly was surely thinking how lucky he was to be a housefly and the grasshopper was probably thinking, “So close and yet so far.” It was an awesome moment and I’m glad I got to capture it on film. Sometimes the difference between life and death is as tenuous as being on the right side of a pane of glass.
For those who have requested some pictures of the little one I offer up this picture of him in the television room looking more entertaining than any reality show you care to name. My gosh he is just getting cuter with every passing day. You all had best be hiding your daughters because he is going to be a real lady killer.
Micah is now eating his first solid foods. The doctor finally cleared him to begin eating rice cereal and the boy really seems to like it. I just can’t believe how much he’s grown in the four months since he’s been with us. I love him so very much and his momma even more so for bringing such a wonderful miracle into our lives.
Well, that about wraps it up for today. The summer is drawing to a close and winter will soon be upon us. I’m sure we'll all have much to blog about in the cold months ahead and I can hardly wait to read the stories you have to tell.
Peace and prosperity be to you all...