Lost in a lost world...
At last, a few minutes of free time to sit down and catch up on all the exciting coming and goings of the Bauman family. Ever since Pepper’s visit it has been a whirlwind of activity around here. There’s been lots of dragon baseball, including a playoff appearance. The 2007 roller
I just don’t know what to say...
First off, the new blog, Articles of Skate is up and running. Yes, Eddie has suffered from a bit of neglect while I worked on getting the new site in order but things are now well established and I believe both blogs can now be maintained with equal attention. I hope everyone will visit the new blog and say hello.
knuckle biting excitement.
Micah is doing wonderfully and it is amazing how quickly he is outgrowing what I would have figured to be lifetime worth of outfits we received as shower gifts and post birth presents. He is nearly able to flip himself over and it won’t be long before he is crawling around the house like a champion. You never believe it when you hear it, but I’m telling you, they grow so much faster than you can imagine possible.
Our beloved
Well, I just wanted to say hello to all my blogger peeps and let everyone know I hadn’t disappeared. It has been a busy end of summer...
Please drop by the new Roller Derby blog and say hello. Let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions.